Residential buildings / Mežparks, Rīga
Office building / Mežparks, Rīga
Multi-family home / Mēžparks, Rīga
Mixed use building / Cēsis
Private medical clinic / Rīga
Family house / near Cēsis
Holiday house / near Cēsis
Business Garden Rīga
with DEPO Projekts
Mixed use buiding "Magdelena" / Rīga
Urban village "Lindenholma"/ Mārupe
with Linia Architects
Office building refurbishment / Miera str. Rīga
Family home / Mežaparks, Rīga
Multi-apartment building, proposal / Rīga
Hotel at Kalēju str., proposal / Rīga
Multi-family home / Mēžparks, Rīga
Hotel at Kalēju str, proposal / Rīga
Building complex reconstruction/ Aloja
Multi-apartment building reconstruction
Stokholmas str. Mežaparks, Rīga
Apartment building reconstruction
Mežaparks, Rīga
Residential building / Valkas str. Rīga
Office building proposal / Rīga
Residential building proposal / Slokas str. Rīga
Residential building /E.Melngaila str. Rīga
Private residence / Stokholmas str. Mežaparks
Built with Berta